Situations Matter: Understanding How Context Transforms Your World is the highly acclaimed book by Sam Sommers which provide an exploration of the invisible forces influencing your life-and how understanding
them can improve everything you do. I recently had a chance to connect with Sam and ask him a few questions about his insightful book.
Thanks Sam for taking time from your busy schedule to answer these questions.
Q: Why did you write Situations Matter?
A: My goal in writing the book was to bring renewed attention to just how influential context is in our daily lives: the ways in which it shapes how we think, what we do, and who we are as people. I know it seems like an obvious premise--
of course the situations we're in matter. But we don't come close to grasping the full extent to which this is the case or just how far-reaching the implications of this conclusion really are. My argument in the book is that by learning about the science of how contexts shape human nature we become more effective people across a wide range of domains, both professionally (e.g., working in groups, managing people, negotiations) and personally (e.g., parenting, social relationships, how we think about the self). So it's very much a story about the psychology of daily life, which makes it useful as well as fun-- it's an integration of behavioral science, pop culture analysis, personal anecdote, and humor, all in the effort to paint a more complete picture of what makes people tick.